Cute Birthday Messages for Kids, messages, gif, images
I wish you a fun-filled Birthday! Happy Birthday!!

1) Lovely kid, this text carries thankful wishes for you for gifting me the precious gift of all. Our token of friendship which you presented me is indeed very beautiful and sweet.
2)You deserve a lifetime supply of cupcakes, waffles, and ice creams. I hope all your wishes come true.
3)Happy birthday! Small in size, Big in wonders. Happy birthday to the genius kid. May you accomplish greater heights in life.
4)Play in mud and get soaked in the sun. Childhood days are the best days of your entire life. Make crazy memories every single day. Happy birthday!

5)Your smiles are like a combination of sunshine and rainbows. May your birthday multiply your smiles and laughter. Happy birthday!
6)Happy birthday to the most adorable, charming and funkiest child.
7)Happy birthday to the sweetest kid in the whole wide world. Your presence brings immense joy to the lives of so many.
8)Roses are red. Violets are blue. Happiest birthday to you!
9)You are like your birthday cake, very sweet and super cute. Happy birthday dear kid!
10)On your birthday I wish that you become the best version of yourself. Be self-competitive. Happy birthday, kiddo!
11)Birthday is the best holiday, And I want to wish Many, many, many happiness, To describe in a fairy tale.