Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true.
Happy birthday to the person who puts others before herself/himself every single day. I hope we can give you back a little of the love you show us daily. We love you!
You have brought so much joy to so many people’s lives. I hope that joy fills you back up today and every day this year. Happy birthday!
On your birthday, celebrate the strength within you and the hope for brighter days. Happy Birthday!
Wishing you a very happy birthday! May it be filled with love and laughter.
Wishing you a year filled with love, adventure, and endless possibilities. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Greeting Cards
Everybody needs hope and birthday wishes are the perfect way to get it! Make yours amazing!
The bigger, the better…that’s how a birthday should be!
They say you can get a free birthday drink by just giving your server this card. Take it with you and let me know if it works. If they don’t ask for ID, I’m using everyday for this next year!! Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a birthday that will release all of life’s most wonderful things! Happy Birthday!
Strike up the band! It’s your birthday! Happy Day To YOU!
Good things happen when you just go for it.
Happy birthday to you! Here’s wishing you a day filled with fun and delight!
Forever young and good-looking. That’s all I wish for you on your birthday!
Happiness is not a reward; it is your gift. Happy birthday.